Laser-y Blip
One thing easier than climbing up ladders to attach lights to gutters and the like is to stick a laser-projector on a pole and shine it onto the side of the house. That’s my decorating taken care of for the next few years.
Feeling lazy about getting a blip (nearly but not quite EB time) I thought I would try to capture the laser lights on the wall of the house. Complements of dusk and the pesky street lamps getting a half decent shot was impossible. Of course you can’t capture the exploding star effect but the lines are interesting. On top of that how the camera sees the colour is so different to your eyes. The display is predominantly green (by a short straw), but the camera sees it as very predominantly red, so much so in fact that quite large adjustments were required in PS to bring any much green out at all.
Perhaps we should start a new tag, how about BB (Boring Blip . . .).
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