Festive Miner

The miner has gone festive once more thanks to the Yarn Bombers / Graffiti Knitters! Last time was in the summer for the Queens Birthday! As usual his little corner of Gunnislake was transformed, the tree, phone box, bench and drainpipe! 
I was there to run the gauntlet of present and card sending at  the Post Office. When I say sending I also mean wrapping! Matching wrapped  present to the right sized bag, writing addresses and then queuing to finally get them stamped and play the game of "What's inside?" Every year there are certain presents where my mind goes completely blank! I was shocked when the post mistress told me how much it all came to! 
I bumped into Colourful Mai's partner in the carpark and we had a chat  and then it was Pearces - the garage come sell it all shop where I bumped into the delivery guy who brings me my food boxes. He surprised me as I was perusing the sweets by saying "you are always getting food!" I told him the boxes don't contain puddings! 
Once home and unpacked and with my dinner cooked I then collapsed in the front room! Collapsed as in sat and mindlessly watched TV! I am so behind on blip with posting,replying and looking at others and  commenting - I hope to catch up at some point and I do love reading your comments and am very sorry to be so late in replying but a general thank you to all who have looked in, commented, even  left me a little something!
 I'm pleased to report Tilly is back to full health and the allotment girls seem to be coping in their confined space. Colourful Mai reckons it's because they are all virtually geriatrics and are quite happy just sitting ( and not laying!) Feisty Izzy I think is less happy! But she is at least laying an egg - but she may stop in protest at her confinement!!

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