Two Swans

It was exactly freezing (32 degrees F) this morning when we gingerly climbed out of the car onto the icy pavement at Spring Lake. The resident swans, having found their usual rocky beach under water, resorted to a little dock by the parking lot for their morning preening and ablutions. The water behind them appeared to be steaming as the sun hit it.

There were very few people about as we made our very brisk way around the lake. The frost covered grasses and leaves presented an interesting photographic challenge, but it was too cold to stand still long enough to puzzle out the unfamiliar camera hieroglyphics,  Instead, motivated by the prospect of an Aztec Mocha, we hurried on.

The little group of Santas in the parking lot shown in the extra photo are wearing sweatshirts that say Merry Christmas "Meter Beaters". They appear at this time every year with purses full of quarters which they put in meters that are about to expire. I'm not sure that their presence would inspire me to go to G & C Auto Body should the need arise, but it is a nice gesture.

Today is Will's birthday who, having gotten home from school last night just in time to go to his ole high school's basketball game, is going today with his family to Berkeley to watch the University of California play his school, Cal Poly. Family observances will take place on Monday. Happy Birthday, Will!

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