Just a White-breasted Nuthatch
These friendly little birds are year-round residents in our garden, making frequent trips to suet, sunflower and peanut feeders. They make funny little "yank-yank" calls as well as assorted small beeps. This one is a female; only distinguishable from the males by a slightly lighter gray cap on her head. Very easy to mistake the genders in these little birds. I also find them somewhat difficult to expose properly in-camera; probably because of the sharply contrasting tones. It was overcast this morning when I took this, so the exposure was easier.
The red-breasted nuthatch is also still around and is about half the size of this bird. Small in size, but big in cuteness. See Extra if you doubt me!
I had a bit of a surprise this morning when I came back from getting the paper, just after dawn. As I was walking past a nest box that I plunked in the garden right next to the house for winter, a little down woodpecker flew out. I had noticed a woodpecker excavating the inside of the box several months ago and thought it odd; a check a few weeks later showed a small layer of wood chips in the bottom of the box. Apparently, the little woodpecker was getting it ready for a winter roosting spot. I've read that they will sometimes overwinter in a nest box, but this is the first time I've ever had one actually do it. I'm going to keep an eye on the box as sun sets tonight to see if there is just one 'pecker or two using the box.
Lots of cardinals in the garden today. A reminder of how lucky I am to have them here all year to brighten the days. His Royal Redness HERE, on Flickr if you'd care to have a look. There were also at least a dozen Tufted Titmice in the garden - each more adorable than the next.
I'm off to get my hearing checked this afternoon. I only have hearing in my left ear, so I try to make sure I take extra good care of it. I don't feel like I've lost any range, but it's been two years since my last audiology exam so we'll see.
Be safe out there, people.
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