Tiny Treasures from the Heart
I've been waiting for just the right time to Blip this little carved mouse, fast asleep on a book...and today seemed the right time. This tiny treasure was a special gift from a special Blip-friend. It sits on a shelf in my living room, where can see it every day - and each time I look at it, it makes me smile and think of the friend who gave it to me. It is something that has special meaning to her, which makes it doubly special to me. Thank you, BikerBear!
So, how fitting that a couple of the Tiny Blippers decided to photograph the mouse today ... and that I was on hand to photograph the photographers photographing the mouse. (Yea, that's a mouthful!) You may recognize Dirk and Beauregard, a couple of my intrepid Tinies, each with camera in hand. This is a composite of 5 images, focus stacked in Helicon.
I am very happy to report that the audiologist found NO decline in my hearing since my last test 2 years ago. In fact, since losing my right-side hearing nearly 9 years ago, my left side hearing has remained excellent with no changes. I am extremely careful about protecting my hearing ear but, even so, I worry. So, good news.
Another frigid day in New Jersey. Fireplace is going constantly and bird-feeders/water are being kept full. As I write this, there is a bright red cardinal just outside my window, all puffed up against the cold, looking quite resplendent. All the birds are happy to have their down coats right now.
I was saddened to read about the attack in Berlin yesterday. This coming on the heels of the bombing several weeks ago in Istanbul and the shooting in Ankara yesterday. When does it end? My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones.
Thanks to Osuzanna for hosting TinyTuesday
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