Just the Withers......

By JaneW

I'm not a fan of Christmas cards ...

If you are on Facebook with me you already know this scintillating fact ... if you are not I shall explain that each year at the end of November I put a post up asking people NOT to send us Christmas cards. I don't like them . They are for me a massive waste of money for some folded stiff paper.
This year I put extra money in the MS research tin instead of wasting it on sending cards and buying stamps . Anyway my baby brother likes to send me amusing cards throughout the year ..PROPER POST.. and this is his NOT a Christmas card to me...

DDLCs husband sent me about 8 cards through the post .. not through kindness .. to wind me up .. he is not a good person ...

ps... I adore Christmas .. just not folded card signed by my idiot friends ..

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