Simply Me

By Suze981

Not long to go now...

Today has been one of those days. You know the sort, where everything seems to go wrong and you wish you could go back to bed and start over.

This is the mixer unit in my bathroom. I have no power or electric shower, instead my shower runs from the taps in the bath. This unit has been playing up for a while. Hot water has been increasingly difficult to come by. When it does come out, I have to use a hammer to close the tap again afterward. This morning, it officially gave up.

I'm one of those people that doesn't feel right in the morning without a shower. So the day started to go downhill...

* The mail server crashed at work
* We got additional info in and I now have to almost rewrite a report
* I have some weird stomach bug from eating algae (I'll explain another time)
* It's difficult to get a plumber to come round within a weeks notice
* I had more University registration trauma, and
* Giles 'playfully' scratched my face, drawing blood and potentially leaving me with a scarred face.

Thank god it's almost over! Fingers crossed tomorrow will be better :)

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