My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Spa afternoon

My very good friend bought me a spa afternoon with her at a local retreat for my Christmas pressie. So lovely and so generous!

N had Baby L for the afternoon and, despite feeling a bit guilty for the first hour or so, I managed to relax a bit.

We spent time in the steam room and hydrotherapy pool followed by a 40 minute back massage, a luxurious shower with all the fab products and a yummy afternoon tea.

The lady who did my massage asked about any medical things so I filled her in on the relevant bits to do with my back... at the end (after battling with the collection of marbles and rocks I keep in my shoulders) she said, "you must get a lot of pain in your back".
Um, yep!

Got home to find that Baby L had not napped since lunchtime, despite N's best efforts. Little monkey. She's beyond tired tonight.

The photos are of the lovely conservatory venue we had our afternoon tea in. It was very quiet and lovely.

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