Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Pass me a napkin, please!

I know, I know ... another titmouse.  But they are so cute (and so available) that it's hard to resist snapping a few shots.  This one had patiently  barely waited until one of his flock was done bathing before hopping to the bird bath for a drink.  If you look closely, you'll see the tiny bead of water on his lower beak.  Kind of surprising to see the other one splashing madly about in the bath since it's only in the 30's today (F).  

I've taken advantage of another gloomy day to do some tutorials on Photoshop.  I have a Creative Cloud subscription and, while I use Lightroom a lot, I don't get my money's worth from PS.  Soooo, time to start.  I made some rather clunky efforts at using masks and also did some things with layers.  Feeling rather victorious at the moment, even though I've got lots to learn still.  I've put one "experiment" in Extra of a mourning dove that I've used masks on to eliminate distracting background elements.  

Only four more sleeps until Christmas...  I wish I was more in the holiday spirit, but losing Philip so recently has definitely made this season feel a lot less bright.  However,  I have much to be grateful for and that is what I will focus on.  

Thanks so very much for stopping by.


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