Lali's World

By Lali

The terrifying spider

Let's say my last few days have not been really good, so I was happy today as everything seemed to be going well with my day... until I got home... and I saw the terrifying spider....

I thought I'd seen a spider moving at the door, so I stayed as far away as I could from it. I was surprised, though, that it didn't really move from where I found it. Later on, when Scott came to visit, I told him: There's the spider! Then, he just had a look at it, stepped on it, picked it up and started laughing. It was a plastic spider!.... never mind... What I really saw though (and believe me, it was real) was a mouse. Trying to get rid of it now.... just didn't get the right mousetraps.

Good and bad things happening for the last few days. My dad had to go to hospital due to an infection caused by a cat's bite, but he's recovered now and going back home tomorrow, which is good; however, two friends of mine have lost a loved one recently, which is very sad. My thoughts are with their friends and families...

The world is upside down and I've not been quite myself either. I blame the recent changes in the Earth's magnetic field...

Busy day today getting the new members of staff trained. My day went well. Relaxing with Scott in the evening after the spider scare.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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