New Day. New Picture

By PeteW

Coast Near Brochel Castle

After a slightly misty start to the day, the sun burned through just as we set off for a wander round to explore Raasay.
Wandered across onto Fladagh island which is cut of by the tide for half the day.... obviously we knew the tide times so we wouldn't get cut off....
Turns out the island is inhabited by 2 couples for a few months of the year. Stopped to chat and find out what it was like living there. Seems they have a very simple life!

So to answer the question.. no we didn't get cut off and made it back in good time.
Headed south along the east coast. Explored the ruins of Brochel castle and spent some time chilling on the deserted beach below in the sunshine.

A second beautiful sunset tonight. Just lovely.

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