Being a mama

I loved today. Today I got to be a mama- not a chaperone, teacher's assistant or whatever. Today I was her mama. I worked a bit of this morning and she happily let me. I got her bathed and hair into the uniform loops. We took a quick dash to town and headed for the last clarinet lesson of the year.

She was very hyped up but she was stunning. A year ago she didn't own a clarinet. Today she was breezing through grade 3 pieces on her Bb. She did a fantastic play of Rocking around the Christmas Tree with B accompanying her that was brilliant. B couldn't help but hug her afterwards. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing B and Katie incredibly proud of the year she's had. And as a reward for working so very hard this year, B had planned a musical treat for her. Today she let Katie have her very first try on a bassoon. This is an exciting moment for Katie- she's been desperate & B thinks she's a natural for it. She sounded it so confidently. Her hands reach better than B expected but she still needs to do some major growing. There is however talk of a mini bassoon or short reach..... I'm hoping for hire options!

One of the reasons katie was extra bouncy today was that B and I were going to watch her, along with countrymouse from blip, at the panto this afternoon. The second she spotted us her beam exploded across her face and didn't let up the entire time. She absolutely LOVED dancing for B and was so proud to have her and Countrymouse there. I loved watching it from that side so much - though it was very strange seeing things I do as a chaperone not happen or worrying if the specific roles I do would be covered! (I do almost all the red teams shows). I loved going to her dressing room at the end & taking her to see B and CM. The hugs of excited pride were lovely.

She had a second show so I had to leave her & took Balletbaby for the evening. I'm working early so she stayed with Balletbuddy overnight. I took the baby home and Katie hadn't gone to sleep as they'd said I was bringing the baby back, so I got a (very late) snuggle with her for half an hour.

I couldn't pick today between the (terrible quality) explosive excitement and the special moment of the bassoon, so both it is.

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