Lots going on

Furbie has decided she rather likes this Christmas malarkey. All these cards to knock over and mysterious packages to investigate. She likes the tree and was over interested in one of the fluffier decorations but that novelty has worn off.

She's only been in trouble once - when I could hear her gnawing at one of the bulbs on the tree lights.

I love this time of year. Not the commercial nonsense or the stress or guilt, just that sense of wanting to be in touch.

I love receiving cards with the bits and pieces of news (even the lengthy round robins even though they can seem a bit impersonal)

But most of all I love the opportunity to get together, something that is squeezed out all too often.

This year my brother who lives in Cornwall managed to co ordinate a day and time with my other brother who lives in our childhood home. Between us we put on some food and we were delighted that my sister could join us. My niece made it too - along with her two children, and the littlest one. (she's definitely the most glamorous grandmother I know and she's nowhere near forty )

Ten of us ; four generations together and all having a good catch up.

Yes. I love Christmas.

Hope my blipfriends have a wonderful time too.

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