upside down - inside out...

...from this - to that

walking by... it caught my eye - clearly you can see why! not only for the intriguing chartreuse-like color... but the blasted flower has opened up - upside down...

or inside out - or somewhere in-between... it's the most unusual flower i think i've seen all summer - and so i found myself standing - staring at it... pondering the nature of such a thing - is it a wild flower, randomly growing... was it planted on purpose... god certainly has the low down on what it is since he created it - but i am at a total loss given my absurd ignorance for all things in blossom... perhaps one of you will have an idea?

at any rate - it filled me with a sense of wonder - of glee... at the ability something so small stops me dead in my tracks to admire its beauty... and with all things of this variety - complexity - it made for...


happy day.....

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