The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Possibly the worst photo I have ever blipped...

...but I didn't get out much today. After eggs I went to the gym and the weather was okay, cloudy but warm. I took a few photos of the guys building the roads but they dislike the camera so much I had to be sneaky...and they came out all wonky and a bit blurry.

And then it rained. And rained. And rained. And rained. All day. Everywhere. Bucket loads of the wet stuff. The locals had every bottle and bucket they could find and were filling them up with rainwater in depseration - there has been 45% less rainfall this monsoon than normal. The new electricity schedule came out yesterday and it is off quite a bit more frequently than last month. For example, today there is no electricity between 6-9am and then again between 3-7pm.

So I spent the day working, reading, eating and did two gym sessions. And this blip is another in the 'a bit boring but educational' series!! This is how we eat! Or should I say, this is how we prepare to eat! Every fruit and vegetable has to be soaked in a solution of water and iodine for thirty minutes before we can consider eating it. After that, veggies get cooked to be doubly certain that the bugs are gone and fruit is peeled. So, this is the cabbage soaking prior to me adding it to the mince and vegetable mixture that we had for dinner. It wasn't very inspiring but it was calories (as my husband would say!)!

I hope that I might be able to blip something a little more exciting tomorrow.

Four days left until D-Day. Boo.

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