The rest of forever...

By DrMac


No cute puppies today, just a lesson in Nepali culture! These are local police who were on the street corners today. I'm not sure why, they're normally out when the local people are calling a strike or 'Bandh'. Basically, if the locals are unhappy about something they have a strike. Everywhere shuts down, no-one is allowed to go out in their cars. Taxis get smashed up if a driver dares to disobey the strike and try to work. The locals tend to strike peacefully, though it does depend who called the strike. The youngsters can get a bit carried away and start throwing bricks at the police- I saw this first hand last year- but it has been pretty quiet this summer. Anyway, I don't know why the police were out but it's nice to have extra protection!

Today...early gym session and then basically I pottered about doing some school work, reading and photography work. Very relaxing!! The clouds are thick and the rain is falling intermittently. The electricity is rather erratic, not sure when the new schedule is going to begin but it would help to know!! We had a relaxing evening together...departure day is looming fast, not a nice feeling.

GCSE results come out tomorrow (for schools not the kids!) which is a stomach churning, worrying day, but it is also my step-daughter's birthday. ;0)

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