
Crackers was what His Lordship called me as I left the warmth of the house to go walkabout, spitting in the eye of Storm Barbara's tails as she vented most of her fury further north. It is exhilarating to combat wind and rain if sensibly dressed -There is no bad weather, just bad gear.

Having said that, I am disappointed that David and Luca have timed their visit so perfectly to coincide with the storm. Luca has been here for 3 christmases, but she has yet to see good, frosty, sunny weather.

We had a lovely, jolly meal with them last night with HL and David in sparkling form. They, despite having a step relationship are incredibly similar in the amount of time they can wear the mantle of good humour and jollity in company, but both were in form last night, especially when they each had a pair of red lips in their crackers. I will leave you to imagine the scenario.*

*see foot image

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