Flower ...........

 .......... Friday23  (FF23) ..... with a "twist" of DRINK.

Made to look a little more festive with the addition of a couple of "candle houses" that we bought around 25 years ago when we lived in Germany.

The two bottles of wine were a Christmas gift from our local Bangladeshi restaurant last night when I called in and my one and a half litre bottle of vodka is wearing his tuxedo (looks cute and also hides the level (or lack of) in the bottle!!)

All gifts wrapped and under the tree (except the edible ones just in case Whisper gets an attack of the thieving munchies - or the mice decide to return - lol), all shopping done - no more "missions" until January.
Going to set the table later and double-double check I have everything.

The level under the vodka tuxedo may go down a touch later!!!!   ;o))

There is a boring airport photo uploaded now from my ''mission'' yesterday.

Hope you are all having, or have had, a great Friday - two more sleeps til Santa.

~ Anni ~

Altho' it doesn't look like it the flowers ARE in a vase and not in the voddie!!


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