Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Coffee Man at Christmas

Our legendary coffee man in his slightly steampunk Christmas attire ... Look closely into the detail of his van and you will get lost amongst the funny signs, the lego characters and the strange array of trade tools. And if you look really closely in the chrome of the coffee machine you can see my unintended selfie.

More than one person got dressed up for this, the last working day (see extras - I particularly like the Star Wars Christmas sweatshirt). Very good natured, although I had my head down working on a paper. Deadlines don't tend to be very Christmassy. 

Came home and wrapped presents whilst drinking wine and listening to Christmas song. Cats love it when you start wrapping, they get very nosy. 

Getting in the mood now although had a serious downer for a while when I found out that the Oxford Dictionary word of the year was "post-truth" ... I know this is the season of goodwill but I hate Trump, Putin and Brexit because they really are destroying our reality with lies and -

Okay enough. Christmas eve tomorrow.r

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