Beneath the Sink

I'm ashamed to say that this is the least opened cupboard in the Dower House, being home to things of the cleaning variety.
His Lordship wanted me to say that it is his cupboard- that's guilt speaking. He may not even know it exists.

I'm in suspended animation as I type, being in between visits from guests.
The morning was spent catching up with a neighbour from the old castle, and now I'm awaiting the imminent arrival of Yorkshire daughter, husband and two little grandsons.

Unfortunately the Dower House is not particularly child friendly. The attic full of toys that existed in the castle is no longer, and all I can offer are drawing materials and a tub of liquid for blowing bubbles

Somehow that's not going to provide adequate afternoon's entertainment for a 4 year old and a 1 year old . I fear we are going to have to brave the play park, where swing and chute duty beckons.

Much as I love my grandchildren, child entertainment is no longer one of my fortes , so I'm hoping that they will be happy to run about without my intervention while I chat to their parents.

But maybe I could open this cupboard door, tie dusters to their feet and let them polish the floors. Now that sounds like a good idea.

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