Lighting the Christmas pudding.

...and the tablecloth... :)

I wanted to get a good picture of a lit Christmas pudding; however my first attempt with the Canon was rubbish. I asked Scott if he could light it again so I could take another photo. He didn't want a burned Christmas pudding, so he cut the pudding in half. We ate half of it and then he lit the other half again, lighting the tablecloth in the process, as you can see. Luckily, though, we stopped the flame on time but maybe not fast enough to stop it from appearing on the photo that actually came out best of the whole lot I took with the Panasonic.Never mind....

It was a quiet and peaceful Christmas spent in the intimate company of Scott, who cooked the meal for me. Everything was delicious. We went for a walk outside with Cassie, but it was freezing and really windy. We couldn't make it to the end of the pier, as the waves were battering the walls and going all over the pier. There wasn't a soul in the street apart from us.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! :)

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