I'm Never Gonna Dance Again... Guilty Feet

We rose slowly this morning - no plans, no work, which was all a good thing. 

We were all happy that Tooli managed out of her bed and to retain a cup of tea without demonstrating the art of regurgitation, and together decided that we walk was in order. 

We took Tooli up to have a look at the allotment and set her to work digging a little bit, with a broken fork.  Then we had a little wander through part of the fairy trail. 

Back in the car we headed for the beach, and in order for her to wash out all of the yeuk of yesterday Tooli set off and ran for the tide line.   We took refuge beside the toilet block as the large weather front started to head in from the north west. 

She only just reached back to us, when the rain started to fall.  Hard, and nippy against the skin.   

It's not the most pleasant sensation, but it is certainly a good way to wake yourself up. 

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