Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Making hay!

When I bought Roo he came from the most unlikely place, I'd original phoned as I'd seen an advert for a chihuahua bitch, when I phoned I was told she had sold, so I said thanks very much and put the phone down, a couple of hours later they phoned back and said the people hadn't shown up and she was mine if I liked her, so I drive to the borders of Wales to a donkey farm of all places.

I was taken into a shed and shown a large black and white bitch, I really didn't feel a bond and disappointed I knew she wasn't for me.

Sitting in the corner was a steel blue tiny puppy with patches of brown on it and big blue eyes that never left me.

"She is beautiful"," she's a he and he is for sale"that was it love at first sight. I adored Roo from that second.

The problem was my house mate had two females so she wasn't too pleased but she loves him as much as I do secretly now!

Ok I did digress slightly, hay making why? I don't think Roo ever forgot his farming roots as he loves nothing more than straw or hay, when he did his Toto audition he got noticed by the singer Jodie Prenger because he was sitting on a straw bale flirting with her, so she picked him to do a publicity thing on UTube for the BBC, he's never been kissed so much in his life.

So when we go walking he always makes a b line for the hay.

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