
By NickMog

Kitten Eyes

In this modern day (and age), we have it easy. Ask anyone who lived in a less modern day (or age). Take photographs as an example. It's so easy now to take photographs with our digital fingers and our shiny telephone cameras. We hear this all the time. But we are becoming smug. I say that we don't have it easy enough. If we want to take a picture of kittens playing with balls of wool or puppies asleep in amusing poses, we still have to go out there and find the watering can and steal the kitten and insert it into the watering can do that its head sticks out in an appealing way. So I have developed an "App" to cutify or kittenise any picture. You just slide a dial from 1 (Sweet) to 10 (cloyingly saccharin with fluffy bunnies and winsome toddlers). This is my first test of the app and, yes, I do realise that there is still work to be done, but this is still 123% cuter than the original. The software has automatically removed the graffiti, the dog-shit and the junkies shooting up in the foreground. This will sell in Angry Birds style numbers.

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