New Push Bikes

There was a few drizzle showers this morning, but they soon passed by, but it's been windy again, gales continue to blow.

I was up early this morning, and set off to Unst with Sammy.  I just missed my ferry, so enjoyed a walk with Sammy waiting for the next one.  When it arrived, it had technical delays!  I finally got going, and made the next ferry to Unst.  Mam and dad were up, and met them with Julie and family at the in-law's.  Had lunch, and plenty of tea, before heading back home again.  My route home was faced with more technical delays, but made it!  I'm working in the pub later.

My mission today was to deliver Christmas presents to the family, and they were well played with :)  Lottie and Anna also got new push bikes from granny and granddad Unst, and even with the windy day, it was a must go cycle :)  Here they are coming down their drive, Anna on left and Lottie right, Lonahoull, Haroldswick, Unst. 

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