Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Highs and Lows

China - Day 15

Today was the high spot for some of us - literally, the Great Wall.

Even twenty miles from the city, there was a haze hanging over the hills. Which is a pity, as the sun was trying to shine and autumn colours  just beginning to tinge the trees.

I failed to get any good pictures. I was too busy watching where I was putting my feet. And trying to breathe. I made it to the first fort. TM got up to the tiny one at the top - which I include just for the record, in the extras.

In the evening we went to an acrobatic show. These girls were pretty to watch, but most of the acts were too scary for me - flying trapezes and motorcycles haring round inside a large sphere - only 5, grunted our guide, they have 7 in Shangai!

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