This mosaic doesn’t contain 1,460 photographs but I understand that today is the day that I reach that number - four years of blipping without missing a day.  I was intending to give up after I got to 365, but a very kind fellow Blipper paid for a year’s membership, so I had to continue!  I am pleased to say that she still encourages me with her comments.

This mosaic, collage, montage - call it what you will - is made up of 48 photographs from every month that I have blipped - and they are many and varied - people, places, flowers, objects, animals and I think it’s fair to say I have enjoyed taking every one of them and it blows my mind to see that over the four years there have been 291,082 views of my Blips!

I have met some fantastic people during the last four years, and some of my Blip friends might even see themselves on here if they look carefully - or even their cat!

If you follow me on Blip, you will know that I also like to “write” a journal - some people say that Blip should just be about the photograph, but for me, it is also about expressing my thoughts and feelings and putting those together with the photograph.  I also like to close with an appropriate quote - and all that takes time - so thank goodness I am retired and able to do all that without having to go to work.

This is a great community and I am so glad that it was saved so that we can all carry on blipping.  Thank you for all those who take the trouble to look at my daily blip and make a comment, give stars and hearts and are generally just lovely people.   

I must pay tribute to my long-suffering and wonderful husband, Mr. HCB.  He is always willing to go the extra mile - literally in some cases - for me to get a good blip for the day - and especially for Derelict Sunday.  We have had picnics after church in some unusual places - all for the good of the cause, and he has been my model on many occasions so I am pleased to include him several times because he has been great, although I did have to tweak it because he didn’t want to be in the middle!

I’m even going to be a little cheeky today and add the Abstract Thursday challenge tag - well it is a sort of abstract, isn’t it?  I have also put twelve of my favourite Blips in as extras - it is a special day and I still have 17 remaining!

"Poets, authors, artists and photographers.... 
     are not ordinary people, 
because it takes a certain make up 
     of human qualities to extract 
          a billionth of a second 
               from eternity 
and be aware of, 
               and produce 
any given scene."

Jose Izuela 
"The Soul Stirring Skies of Arizona," 
Arizona Highways, April 1971

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