Last of the Summer Wine Country

So I arrived in work at the crack of sparrow fart and it turns out that there is no second driver. I will drive anywhere, I will have a go at parking in any of the tricky spots we have to go to....but there is one drive I really dislike, the drive over the tops to Holmfirth. So where were we going today....Holmfirth.

Thankfully, it was only the mini bus, but I still wasn't happy because the roads were very icy. Anyway, we got there and back in one piece, I'm happy to say....but I still don't like that road :((

The sun was just rising over the tops as we arrived and the colours were glorious. I snapped a couple of quick pics before I had to work....sigh. 

My day had started quite well as Sara Cox read my text out on the radio and I was the first person accepted into 'The Wide Awake Club' lol. 

Oh...I'm waffling on, I'm tired, I need to go to bed.....

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