
Dear Diary,

I went out five times to try to keep the front steps and in front of the barn door clear but I just couldn't keep up with it.  At times it was snowing so hard that by the time I finished it was as if I hadn't shoveled at all!  But it was what I call "angel feathers", a light, fluffy snow that was just beautiful.  No wind, no ice and no power outages, another perfect, albeit excessive, storm!  I would say we got about 15 -16 inches total.

This dove was hunkered down in Auntie's tree with several of its friends.  I worry so for my little ones in weather like this.  I will need to go out soon and begin the digging out process but Matt will be here later in the day to do the brunt of the shoveling.  He will need to clear the roofs too since we are due for more snow on New Years Eve.

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