The Gift

Dear Diary,

I received so many lovely Christmas gifts but this one is very special to me.  Elaine sent me this little finger labyrinth and I opened it before I went to Massachusetts.  I decided to bring it along to show Karen, I'm not sure why.  In fact, at one point, I took it out of my bag thinking I'll just leave it home but in the end it came with me.

When I got to Karen's house I took it out to show her and even before I opened the box she said, "I know what that is, I got you one too!"  We laughed and laughed.  People know me so well but then she told me that her daughter had seen the labyrinth a few days before and had mentioned that she thought her boyfriend would really love it.  We both looked at each other and said, "Well, now he can have it!"

I thought it was a perfect example of how things have a way of working out as they should  and in the end we were all happy.  On my way back to Maine on Monday I was still filled with the idea of this gift and how it got to someone, in quite a serendipitous way, to one who would love it as much as I love mine.  When I got to the toll booth I paid for my toll and for the car behind me.  "Just tell them to pass it on." I told the toll taker.  I did it two more times and each time it made me smile.  I wonder if they will?

Waiting now for the snow to start, possibly 16 inches before it is done.  Emerson and I are as ready as we can be and now it is in Nature's hands. 

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