twinned with trumpton


Another quiet (!) day. One that had originally been earmarked for extended child care with her at work, but G ended up in Dundee, so plan B was deployed. 

We got onto bikes and went into town. The BFG at Kids AM at the Omni it was. 20 minutes too long but an engaging film they both enjoyed and prompted a day of gobbledygook.

We briefly met her and Nic on Princes St before we embarked on our shoe collecting for her lad, shoe dropping off to my sister in law's friend who's over from Spain and will transport them back to Valencia for her. 

So we roamed freely around the town centre, chatting and poking about. We were repatriated with the bikes around three, armed with a load of shopping form Lidl and headed homewards. 

There was a peace of tired children for an hour or two as I cooked cheesy ham pasta. 

She came over later after work; I did a prawn salad with apple, pecan, cherries and blue cheese. Lots of sweet, sharp, tangy and crunch. A nice change from festive stodge. 

She got a lift back from her lad's friend (they'd been gym / tennis / swimming in Leith) and so it was I came to slump into a deep sleep after 10.

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