Goodbye to 2016

I can't say its been a bad year.

Its had its ups and downs but ended on a real high with Daughter Number 2 coming home from a years travel and making up with Mr W after 7 years which made for the best Christmas ever (we'll forget about the second half of Boxing Day!).

I also had all my hair chopped off for Charity, donating 13" and nearly £500 to The Little Princess Trust. 

I was able to continue the juice diet and lost nearly 2 stone in weight and felt the healthiest I have ever done, (apart from the slipped disc in my back that made me miserable for 6 months!!!)

Mr W and I were fortunate enough to be able to buy a beautiful new car, his new pride and joy - after me!

We sadly lost some truly wonderful people. My friends partner Jay, Mr W's best friend Mervyn and my father in law and  Grandfather to my children. All still sorely missed.

Both Daughters also had health scares with  lumps and bumps where they shouldnt be, but we are happy to report that both are now fit and healthy and I was able to see more of Samuel Squidget this year as he bought himself a new car so could travel further than he could before!

I got to see my favouritest ever Band Coldplay! A-MA-ZING! and I managed a whole year of 2.30 Selfies - just for fun! Cos I'm an idiot! (see Extra)

But we are all still here on Blip as we were able to Save it and thats just so great. You are all an amazing community and Im pleased to say I shall be continuing for another year because 2017 is going to be the best year yet, because now my life is complete. 

Our plans for today changed slightly. We were due to go to Enfield to see Gill while Jasmine is away but she has a stinking cold and doesnt think she will be well enought to listen the chiming of the Big Clock, so we will be having a 'Cosy' night in instead. 

What a Perfect way to end a Brilliant Year.

Happy 2017 to you all.


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