Whooper swans

Today's the day ......................... to take off

It was the Moniaive Hogmanay Walk - an annual event that we'd heard about, but never participated in - until today.  It's always well attended at the start at any rate, but people are able to drop out along the way, depending on their physical capabilities - or their inclination.  The countryside around the village is beautiful and the footpaths are many so there's always somewhere new to explore.  

Six whooper swans were on a small pond with their characteristic yellow and black beaks.  Just as I got close enough to see them properly, they took off with much honking and whooping.  They flew in a big graceful circle, organised themselves into a V-shape - and headed off - perhaps to Caerlaverock.  It's interesting to know that probably all whooper swans that winter in Scotland come from Iceland.

There will no doubt be lots of whooping and honking going on the village later tonight as 2016 glides seamlessly into 2017.  All good wishes for the New Year whenever it arrives with you ..........................

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