The final

Last day of the year. Packing in the morning, walking a good hour to the stadium and drinking a Cüpli outside first before we actually went in to see the ice-hockey game after the first break at 1pm. We were a couple of minutes late, enjoyed the sun outside too much and did not miss a lot in the first 20 minutes play time. My last blip of the year shows the person that means the world to me outside the stadium, Davos Platz in the background.

Great game afterwards! The Canada Team won the Spenglercup again playing Lugano in the finals - same as last year. Shaking hands after the fight is such a good gesture (extra).

Walking back home afterwards at sunset, loading the car and heading towards the Zurich area at 5pm. Spending New Years eve at home - for a change. Haven't done this for decades.

The traditional Fondue Chinoise for dinner with Flaccianello 2009 di Fontodi.

More than an hour steady walk in the fog to make space for the dark Vollenweider Chocolate and the Champagne at midnight.

Happy 2017!

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