Pischa - The Forgotten Mountain

Tried to make most out of the last day of 2017 while again avoiding the crowds in the village. Filled the canister with petrol for the snow plough first (will need it next week) and continued driving into the Flüelatal. Hiked with snow shoes up to Pischa and back. 20K steps and 250 Fitbit Floors. Wonderful snow, blue sky and sun all day. Pischa is the “forgotten” mountain where there is still a cabin going up but they do not groom the slopes anymore. Not too many people and every sort of winter-sport you can imagine except the normal speed alpine skier (snow shoeing, biking, paragliding with skies, walking, hiking, sledging in many different ways and a lot of dogs).

Home at 4pm, classic Fondue Chinoise with vegetables at 5pm. Carmignano Terre a Mano 2013 from Tuscany is one of my preferred red wines and suits the special day. Roll on the Sylvester evening as we call it in Switzerland.

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