Someone's unwell

nd it's not me.

Di again. Happens several times a year - dizziness when she attempts to stand up or even sit up. Typically confined to be for 2 -4 days, sleeps for ages and eventually gets over it. Not nice but she hasn't complained about her sinuses yet so maybe this wont be a long one.

Dad's Army was OK last night but it did highlight just how well the actors in the original played their parts. The actors in the film did a fair to middling job but seldom failed to create the same sense of comedy that the original characters possessed. It was often like they were saying the lines but not acting the part - Tom Courtney (corporal Jones) in particular was more wooden that a rolling pin. One thing that irked was the random inclusion of famous catch phrases like 'they don't like it up em', 'stupid boy' and 'we're doomed'. It doesn't work when used out of context!

Rosina has an interview today - keeping my fingers crossed for her. It will be a blow to her morale if it doesn't lead to a job offer.

Matthew received a warning letter from West Mercia police - doing 36mph in a 30mph zone. Luck lad - could have received a fine and 3 points on his licence. I did and I wasn't going any faster.

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