Welcome to the weekend

Another week closer to retirement. It's been busy at work but a good week - I feel like I have achieved a lot and earned my crust as dad used to say. Annual appraisal next week so we will see if my boss feels the same way.

A light dusting of snow which is all I want to see until Rosina makes it home from work and then I would like it to snow really heavily. I fancy spending my Saturday drinking that bottle of wine, reading a book and watching rugby. All 3 are going to happen regardless but the atmosphere will be so much better if I'm snowed in with a fire burning, preferably in the fireplace.

P.S. If the meaning behind the picture is lost on you, try tipping your head to the left and looking at it sideways. It won't help one iota but I can smile in the knowledge that I've got so many people doing this silly move in front of their computer screens. Actually, it might help as Diana didn't get the symbolism of the picture either, before or after tipping her head but she is 'special'.

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