Dangerous clowns

Note the quotes are switched around but they basically say the same thing 70+ years apart.

The similarities are unnerving and whilst you look back on history and convince yourself that people cannot be so stupid as to support someone like this, at least not en mass, you then look at what is happening in the USA and are forced to think again. We really do share this planet with some right morons. Still, I'm an optimist and believe that when the chips are down, the people will do the right thing and show this clown the door.

Note the quotes are switched around but they basically say the same thing 70+ years apart.

The similarities are unnerving and whilst you look back on history and convince yourself that people cannot be so stupid as to support someone like this, at least not en mass, you look at what is happening in the USA and are forced to think again. We really do share this planet with some right morons. Still, I'm an optimist and believe that when the chips are down, the people will do the right thing and show this clown the door.

This little political rant is not really brought on by the electoral shenanigans in the USA but by the anger stirred in me by the latest book I'm reading, 'Two Brothers' by Ben Elton'. Not perhaps the best book ever written in a literary sense but as a novel that conveys some of the horror and stupidity of what happened in Germany between 1933 and the end of WWII, it does a grand job. I've not finished it yet but it won't take me long as I'm really drawn into the story of the Stengel's, a Jewish family, mother father and two boys who thought they were twins but it turns out that one of them was adopted at birth and is not Jewish. This means that from 1935, the point in the book that i have reached, his life takes a totally different path to that of his brother and parents. Incredible in a novel, even more so when you realise that what is happening to these people happened to thousands.

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