
By BernardYoung


It landed bang on midnight.
You could have set your clocks by it.

We all knew it was coming. There
were parties to celebrate its arrival.

People ate out. Pubs were packed.
No one minded having to wait

for it to turn up. (It’s never late).
Some don’t get what all the fuss

is about and go to bed as usual.
And, as at Christmas, some are alone

and the whole business can make them
feel awful. (We must bear

that in mind). Anyway,
it arrived and there was singing

and drinking and fireworks. But by morning
the thought of what’s to come

can be daunting –
I see there’s been a shooting

in an Istanbul nightclub
(several dead and many injured)

but there will already have been
many unreported acts

of kindness and bravery and love.
But enough: nothing stands still, time

and tide and all that…
it’s here!

Happy New Year!

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