New Year Walk 2017

A cold and wet start to the New Year in the West Midlands today.  Didn't stop us going out for a walk though!

My Godson, Ben, back left, Sam his son, Rob and I had a very damp wander around the woods looking for things for Sam to talk about as part of his nature talk when he goes back to school.  They were staying with us for the weekend, visiting from Preston as they were going to call in on Ben's grandparents who live just round the corner fro my Mom and Dad.  

Rachel, Ben's wife, has been an absolute superstar as she volunteered to stay at home during the wet walk and draft some letters for me to send on behalf of the TYM to Legal Aid people and Prison people...  She knows how to do those things...

We've played lots of games this weekend and ate and drank and talked.  What a lucky person I am to have so many wonderful people in my life - that means all of you Blippers too!

A Happy New Year to everyone.

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