Blip forever Blip Friends

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Happy New Year All Blippers!
What do I love about Blipping?  This image says so much about my relationship with Blip and Blippers so I thought I would take some time to share it with you. I am approaching my third Blip Birthday and haven’t missed a day since I started so something is obviously working for me!  Sometimes I struggle for something spectacular to show you or write about but then I take myself back to basics and think about what it was I wanted to do when someone first mentioned Blipfoto to me. (It was the vicar of St Hilda’s Church!)  I decided that I wanted to learn more about photography and as I was decreasing my working hours gradually I was looking forward to having more time (Ha Ha!).  I also wanted to keep a record of my Mom’s dementia (Strange I know, but that is still very important to me), and I wanted to keep a journal of the everyday things in my life.  Some days that ends up being what I’m having for tea.  But some days are like that aren’t they?  I was also looking forward to travelling a bit more and maybe having some interesting things to photograph and write about.
I got all that.  But I got so much more…
This image is a small portion of a print I have on the study wall of a shot taken by Anniemay at the first Birmingham Blipmeet earlier on in the year.  I loved what she had done with it so much that I asked for a copy of it and she duly obliged.  So I have a memory of a great day, when I think about 14 of us wandered the streets of Birmingham having a fantastic time in between the food stops!  I also have an example of the unfailing generosity and talent I have found in all the Blippers I have met, virtually and actually.
The three figures going up the escalator in Birmingham Library on this Blip might well recognize themselves!  One of them inspires me to keep fit and maybe improve my cycling as well as my photography.  One of them gave me the ability to back up all my blips and is going to show me and others what Stratford Races are like at a Blipmeet later in 2016.  One of them has had me going off to London and all places down South JUST to take photographs!  “Do you ever go anywhere just to take photos?” she said.  “Well no,” I replied.  I do now.  So that’s 4 Blipfriends I’ve told  you about. 
There are lots of others now too – my friends in the North have provided me with a fantastic introduction to the sights and walks of the Lake District and surrounding area.  Time spent up there is always a joy and always involves a Blipmeet.  We’re going to Cornwall soon to meet a dog and her owner for a Blipmeet.  Tussock in New Zealand has the most informative owner when it comes to use of the Iphone camera.  They are on the list to be visited too… 
Using Blip, has been like going up an escalator to bigger and better things: friendship, support, kindness, teaching, encouragement to use my camera, to write from the heart, information about books, places, people…
And I hope that along the way I have been able to provide some of these things for some of my fellow Blippers all around the world.  And I hope that this is what will be able to continue…
This is a global community.  It is a community based on love and respect and sharing of talents.


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