
We popped out for a few bits this morning - the gorgeous sunrise looked beautiful from the window of our flat so I took the camera with us. The frost twinkled on the ground and her hair looked so pretty. We made it to town just as the shops were opening. Claire's had an amazing sale offer on so she spent a little Christmas money - and got a huge pile of stuff! I swapped a Christmas present and also got a brilliant deal so we headed home happy shoppers! 

I had a dress to sew so Katie went and played for a while. I managed to get it posted off & then we drove over to Scarborough to see Uncle Simon and Aunty Alicia. As a surprise, Aunty Kay and family were at the pub with them too. Katie was super pleased as her Christmas present from Uncle Simon was her first ukulele. She's delighted with it. She then had a walk with US & AA to the seafront whilst I moved the car. We had fish and chips in a restaurant by the beach. We said goodbye and I took her for a cup of tea at Grandad's house. The plan had been for an early night but it didn't work that way, though it was lovely. Panto has totally broken her body clock! 

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