Old and New

I hadn't intended to go to Morwellham Quay, but I took the wrong turning. and since you cant easily turn round I found myself at the entrance where one could and thought why not! It was once the greatest cooper port in Victoria's Empire and is now a mining world heritage site. There was hardly anyone there and I slowly walked around the market garden and discovered a scarecrow taking it easy in the greenhouse. Round the corner a fine rooster and his two hens - roaming free despite the Defra regulations on keeping them indoors till the Avian Flu threat was past.  Next stop the Assayer with it's old bottles, the Cooper with its barrels and then to the Blacksmiths
I had a good chat with the young chap as he made a plant holder from a horseshoe! I then left him but continued to hear him hammering his fiery hot horseshoe! Time for hot chocolate and a toasted teacake as the young girls in period costume sang to Abba's "Dancing Queen" in the kitchen. I had a quick chat to the potter I knew in the pottery then after taking a few more photos of the Water Wheel, boat and quay I headed home. I felt a little melancholy as the last time I had been here a few years ago had been with Friend. We had gone to listen to the Jazz being played in various locations and had sat in the sunshine on the grass.
I spent the evening at home alone - I could have gone to Party Girls party but really it was time to say goodbye to the last year.Time to celebrate being in the new when we are a little further into it for me. So my blip seemed apt - last years fruit fallen and rotting, this years ready to be formed on the new flowers already appearing.  

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