Home cinema

Today was a good day. The Minx and I got up earlyish - for a bank holiday, anyway - and went to sort out what is notionally the music room but which has in fact been the storage room for everything that hasn't got a home elsewhere in the house for the last few weeks. It has been a bit like the 'Room of requirement' in Harry Potter, not least providing an excellent hiding place for Christmas presents.

One thing I have always struggled with is working on my own - particularly getting started - but I am good in a team and once I get going I'm usually able to keep at it. The Minx, on the other hand, is great at just getting on with things, so we worked together for a couple of hours and then I carried on while she bobbed down to Chorley. (I didn't actually get finished but I broke the back of it and I'm going to enjoy finishing off at the weekend.)

And while I was busy dismantling cupboards and rebuilding them in the attic, amongst other things, the Minx set up a home cinema downstairs, rigging a sheet up so we could watch 'Robots' with the miniMinx and Dan and Abi, this evening.

(The diet started today, as planned, and went very well. The opening figures from this morning:
Weight 106.1kg
Waist 110cm)

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