The Cross

In the mornings, I have several different routes that I might take to work. Two of them involve me driving along the A65 heading west from Crooklands. And if I get the timing just right, as I look across towards Endmoor in the early morning light, I see this illuminated cross on top of the church. 

For those of us brought up as Christians, at least, I wonder whether the  branch of the church in which we worshipped has any bearing on our taste in symbols, logos and iconography? For example, I grew up in the Protestant church, United Reformed wing (formerly known as Congregational) and I like a nice simple cross. Those Roman Catholic ones, for example, are a bit too rich for me.

So this one is perhaps a tad glitzy by my usual standards but I love its stark brightness against the dull morning light. I've wanted to shoot this photo for a while and so I pulled over this morning to capture it. Really, though, I could have done with a longer lens. 

Diet news: 
Felt a bit odd today. I think dropping the carbs/sugars so abruptly knocked me a bit. Still, onwards and, um, downwards (hopefully).

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