Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Halcyon days

I do believe that I have mentioned previously that because of some ancient Olympian misdemeanor, Greece can expect 50% of January to have glorious weather. The other 50% can be expected to be more typically Northern-Hemisphere Wintry. These Halcyon days however will not fall together as one glorious fortnight, no, they are dotted about hither and thither. The weather forecast told us to expect two of them today and tomorrow, so! Make Hay!

Christos the Albanian had instructed us to bring Lady Gaga's Xmas tree outside to sunbathe whenever the opportunity arose and we have been doing exactly that.

Some of you may wish to stop reading here.

I was stunned at how very little sunshine it takes to melt gobbets of fat still attached to the pelt so that it becomes self-basting. Even with the mothball necklaces, molten sheep fat remains irresistible to dogs, cats and curiously, lambs. It is the propensity of this fat to melt at the slightest hint of sunshine helps me to understand why Greek sheep choose to keep out of the sun.

At the moment the pelt is very crisp and parchment-like and I can't but wonder what it will take to turn it soft and sheepskin-like.

The 'Barbour' blanket you see hanging up indoors was hastily erected this morning by Spouseman to prevent the morning sun from blinding me while I blip over morning coffee. What a kind person he is.

Back down at the cottage with more painting and varnishing on the go after two days off and I think we are getting there. I am really hoping that the guests who will arrive a week today will be blessed with kind weather.

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