My friend used to be a housekeeper in America for a family of lawyers who loved her to bits because she is a very kind person. Not so long ago she needed some legal work done in America and the family for whom she used to work provided that service for her without charge. My friend is not a wealthy woman and was so overwhelmed by their generosity she wished to show her appreciation by sending them some local speciality treats in the post because they are unavailable in America. But she needed help with the packaging because that is not her area of expertise and so I went to her house this morning to make her a box that would get pastries safely to America without increasing the postage cost significantly. She has repaid me for my time with copious quantities of food.
Each one of us has given what we can easily afford to give and feel that we have received more in return. This could not have happened if everything had been given a cash value. Money must therefore be the root of all evil.
This is the orange grove below the public spring in Glossa. The giant grasses called 'kalami' indicate a plentiful supply of water. No matter how many times I photograph this I cannot do it justice. Yes, yes I should learn photography properly.
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