Well why ....
..... wouldn't you????
Now our local Sainsbury's has reorganised/ enlarged etc, and very nice too, added items . Some needed , some maybe !! But, whoever has decided where everything should go I have no idea! Now why wouldn't you put Toilet rolls on one side of the isle and tea / coffee on the other! Strange, or is it just me who thinks so. Shopping takes much longer now , it would be good for those counting " steps", I'm sure you could do at least 1000 whilst you shop!! I feel this ( organisation) sometimes defeats the object, for you to buy more , as a lot of people I spoke to says " I give up and go somewhere else." Hey ho, there none so queer as folk. I'm off to the hairdressers now , so that'll cheer me up.
Thankful ..... to have some heating, as it's very cold today. I think it was minus 4%c last night. So A tells me anyway.
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