Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters

Percy the Plump Pigeon

One of our rather over fed garden pigeons

This is a pigeon who is looking rather healthy from all the quality food we provide in our garden for the birds. The equivalent of a Dyson or a Hoover in bird terms as it mops up anything that falls from the bird table and feeders.

We have an impressive range of bird life in the garden now. This includes: blue tits, coal tits, finches, sparrows, robins, jackdaws, magpies, doves, the odd sparrow hawk and of course the 'evil' Heron that 'snaffles' all of our fish in the pond.

This picture was taken by playing around with a second hand Tamron 200mm zoom lens using manual focus - as autofocus does not work with a 3100 and this combo I think. Seemed to work - and captured the proud pigeon in all its glory next to the flower bed.

Bird life - in the mundanity of suburbananity !

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