A Run Up Nort

The day started with sunshine, but a shower came in, and so did the clouds.  It's been windy all day, picking up to gales at times, and wintery showers this evening.  

Last day off, so I managed to get two loads of washing out, and dried too :)  It was a fine sunny morning, but me and Sammy got caught out whilst out walkies, thankfully we found shelter.  Popped along friend Julie for a cuppa, and then decided to head out for a run in the car, and lunch at the Mid Brae Inn.  This afternoon I got the Christmas decorations taken down, and back up in the loft, that's it over again.  It's been a lazy evening at home, but I have to work in the pub later.

It was a windy day, with me and Julie getting blown about on our walk along the banks.  Waves were crashing high over the banks, but we couldn't get to see it right without going into danger.  Other places it seemed calm, like here with the sun rays coming down over the Dore Holm, Eshaness. 

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